NEOs reviewed on American SuburbX

A brilliant review of my book NEOs written by Eugenie Shinkle appeared on American SuburbX.

“NEOs is a book of strange prophecies, portents of a future where there’s a price on the stars and the skies are heavy with space junk”.


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Interview on ATPDiary

I had a talk with Mauro Zanchi e Sara Benaglia about my photographic practice.

You can read it on ATPDiary (Italian readers only).








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Interview on FotoRoom

I had the pleasure to talk about my latest work NEOs with Graziano Ferri for FotoRoom.

“The central point of the work was: how do you photograph something that does not exist?” he tells FotoRoom, “how do you visually represent the yet unimplemented practice of mining asteroids in a territory—the outer space—which for us only exists in the images produced by telescopes and rovers, and by our imagination?”.






Research and Creation Program | Institut pour la Photographie

I m honored to be one of the four recipients of the Research and Creation Support Program 2020 of the Institut pour la Photographie (Lille) for my ongoing project True Faith.

The jury was composed by :

Nathalie Poisson Cogez, President of the 50° Nord network and professor of art education at ESA;

Christian Joschke, Master lecturer at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense;

Anne Lacoste, Director of the Institut pour la photographie;

Véronique Terrier-Hermann, Head of the Research and Creation Support Programme of Institut pour la photographie.









NEOs – 3th place at MEDPhoto Award

NEOs received the 3th place at MEDPhoto Award (Greece).

The international jury was composed by :

Oliver Chanarin, Federico Clavarino, Alvaro Deprit, Marion Hislen and Katerina Stathopoulou.


medphoto award 2019

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NEOs reviewed on Collector Daily

You can read a very nice review of my book NEOs by Loring Knoblauch on Collector Daily.

“I’m impressed by the artistic ingenuity displayed in trying to first push photography to do something it doesn’t inherently handle well and then delivering something as compelling as NEOS. D’Agostino’s photobook is a sleek, tightly-crafted project, executed with equal parts braininess and flair.”


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